Selamat! Selamat Atas Keberhasilan Anda Sebagai Pemenang Pertama Kompetisi Renang Saya Mendengar Dari Suzanne Bahwa Anda Memecahkan Rekor Anda Sendiri Aku Sangat Bangga Padamu Sahabatmu Marsha Tujuan Dari Teks Ini Adalah?

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Congratulation! Congratulation on your success as the first winner of swimming competition. I heard from Suzanne that you break your own record. I am really proud of you. Your best friend Marsha The purpose of the text is?

  1. to congratulate someone
  2. to ask permission
  3. to invite someone
  4. to ask for information

Kunci jawabannya adalah: A. to congratulate someone.

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